Cosmetic and skin care products are becoming more and more expensive each day. So, we need to make the best and most out of the money we spent on these products. We often throw away bottles or tubes before they are truly empty! So, let me show you how to get every little drop out of these bottle and tube like products!
1. CUT IT OPEN - easy and straight forward~
Only cut open the ones that you apply directly on your skin and leave it on your skin (i.e. you are not going to rise it off)
Cut the end open, so you can preserve as much of the cream that is still in the tube as possible.
See!! there is still so much in the tube!!
2. Pour Water in - Everyone knows!
For those soup base products, like face wash, body wash, make-up remover cream, you can use the grandma way of saving - pour some water in to the bottle of tube to get the liquid out.
My almost used up face wash!
Filling water in - shake it from time to time. And remember, don't fill it up complete. Leave some space, so you can shake it and make sure there is space for everything to be dissolved in water.
Lots of bubble!! bubbles are the best thing you can use to wash your face. Normally, it will take a while to get this much bubble out of the gel or cream. Filling water into the tube helps you create lots of bubble. trust me, your face will be much cleaner using these bubble to wash than using stale cream or gel alone. :)
Saving is a virtue! Happy saving, my dear beautiful readers~~
Saving is a virtue! Happy saving, my dear beautiful readers~~